
solarwinds api curl

solarwinds api curl


This is the first post in a series Ill be writing about using the REST API to get information out of SolarWinds. Using token-based authentication enhances security to both your API scripts and the process integrations feature. Unlike the GETmethod that requests data from an external API, the POSTmethod is used to send changes to an APIendpoint. Method 1: Open PowerShell. You can get real clever and send advanced headers, attach scripts, and turn all the knobs with the click of button, rather than memorize commands and flags. Industry consumers are rapidly demanding automation, orchestration and programmability featuresfrom vendors, with the goal of making networks and systems more fluid, easy to deploy, and intelligent. No one can generate tokens for others, or reference other users' tokens. Notice how I concatenate the commands with + symbols. All rights reserved. You can de-collapse Orion and scroll down until you find Orion.Nodes. Clickon Submitafter the configuration is done. Users can ONLY create and view tokens associated to themselves. Alright, its the same information we were working with previously with a few exceptions: The request method has been changed from GET to POST. Unfortunately, I've been hitting my head up against a wall, and I'm out of tricks at . As you can see, a 302 and Location headers are redirecting us back to the login page. The API is a basic web server listening on localhost:17778, it uses REST API. See helpful resources, answers to frequently asked questions, available assistance options, and product-specific details to make your upgrade go quickly and smoothly. Find out more about how to get the most out of your purchase. In return, Orion would respond with this information in a JSON format, easily digestible, and human readable. API stands for Application Programming Interface. The operations supported by each API are identical: the six basic operations of Query, Invoke, Create, Read, Update, and Delete; and the data you can access through each API is the same. HTTP Basic Authentication with a username and password. Test-NetConnection -ComputerName -Port 443 Test-NetConnection -ComputerName hostname -Port 443. This is why SWQL Studio was created, to make query building much easier. As such your request is being redirected back to the login page (which is the junk you see in the output). And thanks Kevin for reviving it. I look at the example Python scripts in the SDK, do some basic dissection, and build upon it. SolarWinds uses cookies on its websites to make your online experience easier and better. When you start it you should start out with a new tab with no information. You can dive deep into SWQL. Your SolarWinds products come with a secret weapon. It includes REST API examples, PowerShell examples, Python examples and more. In Postman, go to Authorization. I'm pretty new to SolarWinds IPAM. Head to the Admin panel, scroll down to IT Operations Management, and select Monitoring Tools. Extracting Security Products from SUNBURST DNS Beacons. If you go one step further and dump the headers as well, you'll see SolarWinds is sending an HTTP Location: header, and redirecting the client. The security application info is extracted from DNS queries for "" subdomains, which is used by SUNBURST as a beacon and C2 channel. This performs a ping test and TCP port test. To allow for this balance, SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) provides token-based authentication that encrypts your credentials and enhances security across the organization while enabling the use of APIs. SolarWinds suggests planning a transition process to update your current API connections if necessary, moving to the token format. 2 - Go to Run Curl Commands . To start, Im going to do a slightly modifiedquery. Additionally, Ill need to tell the remote end what I intend to post. Right-click this and choose Generate Select Statement. Go hereto pull up the OrionSDK Wiki. No, Right-size your service management quickly and effectively. And we have data! In short, this means you must rely on community-driven support rather than paid contractual support. Not to get too in-the-weeds, but REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. A valid SSL certificate for SolarWinds Orion is always preferred. Developed by network and systems engineers who know what it takes to manage today's dynamic IT environments, SolarWinds has a deep connection to the IT community. PHP CURL HTTP ERROR UnauthorizedException adsbygoogle window.adsbygoog . Instead, I get garbage. The curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of our portfolio of products through virtual classrooms, eLearning videos, and professional certification. I recommend you. While I enjoying doing curls haxor-style on the command-line, its often more valuable to use a robust REST client. Most RESTful applications use HTTP to post (create/update), read, and delete data, thus using HTTP for all for CRUD (create/read/update/delete) operations. Get immediate access to our SmartStart Self-Led Onboarding so you can work at your own pace. contribute to our product development process. Best WMI Tools & Software for Windows Management Instrumentation Administration! You (creator) can also regenerate the token using the same UI. We must note that we're adding short text in the file for simplicity, and the same approach applies to larger files. In this example Ill be doing a simple query. Make sure you dont share that with anyone because. From the link above, you can simply double-click to install the MSI file, which bundles everything you need. The "Info" is missing between "SolarWinds/" and "rmationService". By building their applications on top of the SWIS API, SolarWinds as an organization and as a comprehensive suite of applications, extends this accessibility to the end-user. Or, get assistance from SolarWinds' technical support experts with our SmartStart Onboarding and Upgrading options. In the next article, well be looking at SWQL Studio and the REST API. The first is to capture the login form, find the fields, use the post options, capture more cookies, then go back to the search page using the newly established session data. Access to the SWIS API requires you attach to the Orion poller over HTTPS using port 17778. The method you use for an APIrequest depends on: Similar to how you need different rights to perform various tasks in most applications, you need rights to use different methods against an external API and get a successful response. Think of the example. Based on the example above, we need to provide a, query parameters with the value set to the query that we want to run. Connecting Physical Servers To Cisco ACI Fabric - Simplified! IT management products that are effective, accessible, and easy to use. Please email But I'm taking baby steps, and here's what I'm sending to my browser right now. Unfortunately, I've been hitting my head up against a wall, and I'm out of tricks at this point. Check the current status of the agent under the Manage Agents menu (Settings > All Settings > Manage Agents). Enter host password for user 'lab\dvarnum': * Server auth using Basic with user 'lab\dvarnum', If you receive certificate validation errors, try throwing the, While I enjoying doing curls haxor-style on the command-line, its often more valuable to use a robust REST client. I named mine, Once youve done that you should see that the headers for request has been updated and should have a little. More than 190,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly Although our options are slightly more limited than the web interface, custom property values is something we can certainly change via the API. Based on your OS, you can download and install the same from here. Righteous. The only permission you need to pull information out of SolarWinds is an active account, but to manipulate it at all, including custom properties) youre going to need. However, you can set custom property values through an update call. hello world tire-kicking query. Papertrail's API supports cross-origin resource sharing ( CORS ), so it's possible to retrieve log data from another domain. More than 190,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly Need to report an Escalation or a Breach? For example, say I want to look for available IP addresses in a particular subnet. Active Directory Tools Heres the Best Software for Enterprise AD Management! If youre looking for really advanced queries and a wealth community-driven examples, take a trip over to, Remember, you can also browse SWIS using the, If you look through SolarWinds Port Requirements. L1M3 Explainer Part 7 Data Analytics and Business Outcomes, L1M3 Explainer Part 6 Automation and Integration, L1M3 Explainer Part 5 Security and Compliance, L1M3 Explainer Part 4 Observability Data and Metrics, Observability and Maturity Part 3 Feature Awareness, Observability and Maturity Part 2 The Six Assessment Areas & Stakeholders, Observability and Maturity Part 1 The Five Phases of Maturity. 2022 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. ~$ curl https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500, ~$ curl -v https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500, * Connected to orion ( port 17778 (#0), * TLS 1.0 connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, > GET /SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500 HTTP/1.1, * Connection #0 to host orion left intact, ~$ curl -v -u lab\\dvarnum https://orion:17778/SolarWinds/InformationService/v3/Json/Query?query=SELECT+IPAddress+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID=7500. Advanced vulnerability management analytics and reporting. Each of theses pages were referencesthroughout this article. Second, the formatter being used to display the results is JSON of course because thats what we asked for in the query, Doing a query like this is all well and good, but what if you need to be able to parameters to the query itself? Say we simply want to get a list of our monitored nodes. Make a POST request to, swis://tdanner-dev.swdev.local/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID=4"},{"Uri":"swis://tdanner-dev.swdev.local/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID=6"},{"Uri":"swis://tdanner-dev.swdev.local/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID=7, swis://tdanner-dev.swdev.local/Orion/Orion.Pollers/PollerID=9. To use these API commands via curl use the following command prefix: External Request. I see that you already have your answer, but my recommendation is to use structured approach like this below - it would help to save time : The leading $ sign indicates a command prompt, and should not be typed. These requests typically include additional data in the message body, as opposed to GETrequest that may include all necessary details in the request URL. i've figured out how to unmanage a node via curl, eg: curl -k -u userid:password -v orion:17778//Unmanage -X POST -d '["N:2670","03-21-2019","01-01-2020","false"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json", curl -k -u userid:password -v orion:17778//Remanage -X POST -d '["N:2670"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json". More blogs regarding ACI are yet to come right here on the ACI Board on Cisco Community. The log search API endpoint is one part of Papertrail's HTTP API. Articles, code, and a community of database experts. This should work as the session is already established, assuming you do not allow the sessions to expire for this user. Note: It is a prerequisite to have CURL command installed on your machine to successfully configure this integration. If youre interested in these samples, or wish to clone the repo, make sure you visit this link. I'm just trying to do straight HTTPRequest using a client for Chrome: The Content-Type should be "application/json", and the payload should be this: { "query": "SELECT Caption FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE NodeID=1" }. The name really says it all: Application, meaning software of some sort, Programming, meaning we are using this programmatically to either read, write, modify or delete data, and Interface, stating this is the interface for which the Application can be Programmed. This program connects you with professional consulting resources who are experienced with the Orion Platform and its products. If you go one step. If you need to pass HTTP header information, like content-type, simply add -H with the headers, like specifying XML: curl -X POST -d "param1=value1" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", curl -X POST -d '{"key1":"value1"} -H "Content-Type: application/json" The POST query failed because you need a "Content-Type: application/json" request header. When you first land on the page, youll notice documentation providing basic references in regards toSWIS, SWQL, REST, PowerShell and so on. Allow time for responses. This is no different than a regular user, but its a good idea since you can limit the users access to just the minimum that you need without giving it carte blanche to your entire system. Well start with a basic query and go from there. If youre using JSON, you can use a tool called json_pp (pretty print) to get nice formatting: Well dive more into using curl to interact with the APIC API in upcoming posts. Know What's Next! This feature does not impact users currently utilizing username/password authentication. Set up token authentication To do that, click the. It includes the SolarWinds Query Language Studio (SWQL Studio) to browse the SolarWinds Information Service (SWIS) schema and run test queries. It's an IPAM query equivalent to a basic `nslookup', viz., "solarwinds//search.aspx Note that this is an internal address, and that I actually get a hostname back when I send this to my browser. If I pull up the familiar SolarWinds Orion web interface and look at the properties of this node, Ill see, as expected, the changes reflected here as well. Copyright 2023 Loop1 LLC | All Rights Reserved. All API requests are authenticated using either: An API token in the X-Papertrail-Token HTTP header (recommended). The SolarWinds Academy offers education resources to learn more about your product. In the next article of this series well be looking at Python and PowerShell scripting, and how this can be utilized to automate tasks, enhance workflows, add value and open doors to multitudes ofpossibilities. Gain insight into the health, performance, and scalability of your SolarWinds Orion platform with our free health assessment; youll receive a report with our findings and a recommended action plan for improvements and enhancements. Search Endpoint To define a search, start with a request like the one below. Made in the USA. More than 190,000 members are here to solve problems, share technology and best practices, and directly Review: SolarWinds VOIP and Network Quality Manager 4.0, Review: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 3, FREE 8-day Educational Course for Network Admins, FREE IDG Survey Brief: Network Management Costs Overshoot User Needs, FREE Whitepaper: Is it Really the Bandwidth 3 Steps To Diagnose Bandwidth Complaints, 7 Essentials for Stronger Network Security, Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory. contribute to our product development process. So there are 3 solutions to this. For example: I need to authenticate to Orion. Hello all, I hope you find this useful, this should work for any Inverter/Logger that reports to Solarman Smart website. Ultimately, I want to get IP Assignment History. And while I've been scripting for a while, I feel I'm still relatively new to `curl'. Here is an example of a GETrequest sent to the SolarWinds Platform API, asking for the names of three polling engines from a specific database table: When this query is packaged with the rest of the data provided on the APIPoller page, including authorization and headers, the entire request looks like the following: For additional query examples, see RESTin the SolarWinds Platform SDK wiki. Getthe Endpoint URL and the Auth key for SolarWinds NPM by following theintegrationsetup. In this article well be briefly discussing general concepts like APIs, REST and JSON. Integrate Splunk APM with Freshservice Alert Management, Alert Management in Freshservice - An Overview, Integrate Datadog APM with Freshservice Alert Management, Integrate Datadog Synthetic Monitoring with Freshservice Alert Management, How to set up Alert Management in Freshservice. @vendor that well be able to provide different values for with each request. In words, what are you trying to do, "Select NodeID and comments from Orion.NodesCustomerProperties, but only where NodeId is 469 " and then what? Copyright Freshworks Inc. All Rights Reserved. Next, we need to understand that curl supports sending the raw text via files using the -data option using the @file notation but not . If youre new to GitHub, dont worry, its super easy to get started. CURL API . The Samples folder is especially interesting, becausethere are several PowerShell and Python examples you can reference to start building your own scripts. Update Request to add that authorization header to your new request. Find answers to your questions by entering keywords or phrases in the Search bar above. Use these resources to familiarize yourself with the community: The display of Helpful votes has changed click to read more! To see if this actually executed as planned, lets switch back GET and execute the same query. In virtuallyall cases it uses HTTP for communications and, in the case of SolarWinds, JSON for standardized data formatting. As such your request is being redirected back to the login page (which is the junk you see in the output). #thingsyouwillneverhearmesay. raw and change the content type to JSON: Then well put our request in the box just like the example only with the query and parameter values that we care about: {"query":"SELECT Caption, IPAddress FROM Orion.Nodes WHERE Vendor = @vendor","parameters":{"vendor":"Cisco"}}. If youve spent any time with the ACI interface, youve probably realized that herding a mouse around a browser is fine for small/one-time operations, but does not scale when you have a large quantity of repetitive operations. Instead of putting, Cisco in there, well change that out for a placeholder called. For example, to use a GETrequest to retrieve data from the SolarWinds Platform SDK, no extra rights are required other than the SolarWinds Platform account credentials included in the parent request. Reprovision the agent with this command: swiagentd init Find the latest release notes, system requirements, and links to upgrade your product. Well use curls -c switch to save the info in a cookie file, named COOKIE: Then, you simply use -b COOKIE in subsequent requests, such as retrieving a list of tenants: You can pass XML output through the xmllint utility to format (indent) it: Dont forget that trailing hyphen! Attend virtual classes on your product and a wide array of topics with live instructor sessions or watch on-demand videos to help you get the most out of your purchase. contribute to our product development process. Configuration in SolarWinds NPM. . Patrick Hubbard and Chief Architect of the Orion Platform Tim Danner, as they go deep into how to program with the SolarWinds API. Review: SolarWinds VOIP and Network Quality Manager 4.0, Review: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer 3, FREE 8-day Educational Course for Network Admins, FREE IDG Survey Brief: Network Management Costs Overshoot User Needs, FREE Whitepaper: Is it Really the Bandwidth 3 Steps To Diagnose Bandwidth Complaints, 7 Essentials for Stronger Network Security, Permissions Analyzer for Active Directory. Enter the required alert information such as name, severity, how frequently the conditions must be evaluated and whether alert access must be restricted using account limitations. Nothing too in depth, just enough to stimulate sedentary neurons in your cranial membrane. (function(){var de=$(document.documentElement); de.addClass('sw-is-locale-en'); $.each(jQuery.browser,function(k,v){if(v===true){ de.addClass('sw-is-'+k); de.addClass('sw-is-'+k+'-'+parseInt(jQuery.browser.version)); }}); })(); The problem you have is that your cURL call doesn't have a valid session. If this is you, youll be using curl. If you receive certificate validation errors, try throwing the -k flag in the curl command. Send button on the right-hand side. To save time, copy the query URL below to the new tab and set the request type to POST: your user from the last exercise should already be there. As a simple example, the data you might get back from SolarWinds in JSON would look something like this: We can then take this beautiful data, parse it, manipulate it and perform all sorts of wonderful tasks with it. Come with questionsleave with actionable steps and practical insights. This means you should already have the SDK downloaded. Yes, this means your username and password is going over the wire but thats why we use HTTPS. For example, you can use standard SolarWinds Platform account credentials to send GETrequests that retrieve data from the SolarWinds Platform API (perhaps to retrieve a list of available nodes), but you need Node Management rights for the SolarWinds Platform to send a POSTrequest (for example, to add a node), as defined on the Manage Accounts page. Your SolarWinds products come with a secret weapon. This is because its easier to maintain, and more accessible for contributors. However, to send a POSTrequest that creates a new record, you typically require extra rights. Im looking for the IP address of a node. Youre playing around with queries, and ready to see what this is like when interacting via the API. SOLARWINDS CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM. How to use SolarWinds Query Language (SWQL SWIS), Copyright 2023 Network Management Software, {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"","openAnimation":false,"exitAnimation":false,"timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}. You just bought your first product. Learn more about Teams on SolarWinds github account in the form of a wiki that you can look over but it only has one example per type of request so it could use more meat. 1 - Email and ask for API access. Ah, were getting an HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain. Great! However, for security reasons, token generation is highly recommended, as Username/password authentication requires heavier maintenance depending on your organization's password reset policy. By the end of the first article, you should have either installed the pre-compiled MSI, or downloaded/cloned the repo from GitHub. Payload: query=SELECT+Caption+FROM+Orion.Nodes+WHERE+NodeID%3D1, What URL are you POSTing to? Credentials, if configured for an API poller, are sent in a separate Header file. Ultimately, I want to get IP Assignment History. Did you find it helpful? Notice Im specifying Custom in the Selection, signifying this query will be navigating that linked entity to retrieve the property. Use a double backslash to escape it from the shell. You can see that the URL was automatically adjusted to include a, Once this is done, you should be able to click the big blue. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. SolarWinds REST API is more maintainable and stable compared to direct SQL access. SolarWinds will receive the response, and as long as its valid, return the result in JSON. 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solarwinds api curl

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