
compare and contrast the central features of andean societies

compare and contrast the central features of andean societies


Water was very important for the survival of these communities. The people who developed this civilisation and even their language are unknown. For instance, Maya peoples did not speak Mayan, but could have spoken Yucatec Maya, Kiche, or Tzotzil among many others. Choose 2-3 cultures to focus on. Also you The dominant religion is Buddhism, started by Indian prince Siddharta Gautama Buddha. Aguadas, either natural or human-made ponds, were significant sources of water for the ancient Maya. So Teotihuacan exercised influence over the Mayan cities, so what social, economical, or religious affects did it have? These cycles were understood as life cycles, and so reflect creation, death, and rebirth. It was unknown if they had shared religious beliefs or any political order. Chinese civilisation developed around 5000 years ago. The most famous of these buildings were the ziggurat. What are the cultural contributions of Latino America, Oasisamerica, and Mesoamerica? = 15 * 3/20 North is north of the equator (mostly). Painted pictorial codices, such as the Codex Borgia (above), display I-shaped ballcourts, and stone depictions of ballgame clothing have been found. There is not enough evidence to show much about Teotihuacan. Martinez, D. (2000). The lack of a cohesive empire across Mesoamerica was probably due in part to the large number of rulers jostling for power and difficult geography. Like many African societies, Chinese people worship their ancestors. The intense intellectual, political, and religious challenge to the Roman, Catholic Church's authority during the sixteenth century is called the, These challenges ultimately led the church to split into, many denominations and undermined the great power that the Catholic, Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, For many historians, the event that marked the beginning of the, door. By 11,000 bce, hunting-and-gathering peoples occupied most of the New World south of the glacial ice cap covering northern North America. The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. Connected two land masses that were separated by the Bering Straight during the Ice Age. [ ] Log in for more information. According to the caption under the chart, these are the languages currently spoken by at least 100,000 persons. C. the Temple of the Giant Jaguar. A compare-and-contrast essay, then, analyzes two subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both.. Mesoamerica 3. B. books on astronomy. B. the hunt for jaguars. Turkey and bark less dogs that were also used as food. Jack Caulfield. Or say youre writing about the major global conflicts of the twentieth century. 2.) By the 7th century BC small farming settlements of people were established. For example, Chinese beliefs influenced Japan and the Far Eastern region of Asia. People who used navigational and agricultural skills to establish settlements on Pacific Islands. Why do you think the Silk Road is sometimes called the Road of Civilization? For the Olmecs, the ceremonial center at San Lorenzo was like High sea levels did not prevent people from settling here. = 2 5/20 Following Toltec decline, a further period of unrest in the Late Postclassic Period lasted until 1428, when the Aztec defeated the rival city of Azcapotzalco and became the dominant force in central Mexico. These floods were caused by the changing flows of the river. Choose 2 3 cultures to focus on. They defined the heartland of Olmec society, where agriculture produced rich harvests. You might use it to compare different theories and approaches youve encountered in your preliminary research, for example. B. built ceremonial centers with pyramids and temples. Compare and Contrast between Permanent settlement and Mahalwari settlement: The permanent Settlement and the Mahalwari settlement were based on the ideology to increase the agricultural investment into the land for the revenue, which is compared as following - The Chin dynasty is important because it united all of China under one emperor. D. made it impossible for indigenous Americans to fish. Rome And Aztecs Similarities. I was intimidated by my lack of familiarity with different Mesoamerican words, languages, and cultural groups. This cosmogram describes how the Mexica conceived of the universe. Based on the sun, the 365-day calendar had 18 months of 20 days, with five extra nameless days at the end. Some chose death instead of being sacrificed. Meanwhile, in a Zoom-based class, the lack of physical presence makes it more difficult to pay attention to individual students responses and notice frustrations, and there is less flexibility to speak with students privately to offer assistance. Linguists believe that Mesoamericans spoke more than 125 different languages. Large city of Mesoamerica that contained huge pyramids of the sun and the moon. Surviving . Precisely, they had varying similarities and differences on their war methods, social structure and artificial activities such as pottery and ceramics. This has not prevented historians from learning more about these people and their achievements. Lesson summary: Native American societies before contact. For example, tools made of obsidiana black, shiny material made of volcanic glasswere found in Mayan territory. Explain how religion helped cultures in the Americas expand their influence. The seasonal melting snow ensures that the Himalayan region has plenty of water. The site is most noted for its extraordinary stone monuments, especially the colossal heads measuring up to 9 feet (nearly 3 metres) in height and possibly representing players in a ritual ball game (see tlachtli). Comparing and contrasting is also used in all kinds of academic contexts where its not explicitly prompted. The Toltecs of Tula, in central Mexico, prevailed from about 900 to 1200 (the Early Postclassic Period). If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. They had different methods of fighting. Aconcagua is the tallest mountain outside Asia. One Mexica example helps to clarify this complex cosmological system. . Which of the following would NOT have been seen at Teotihuacan? An image in the Codex Fjervary-Mayer displays the cosmoss horizontal axis. A Qual word is short for quality. Compare and contrast the societies that existed under the Chavn cult and the Mochica State. If an item is already correct, write CCC. Some essay prompts include the keywords compare and/or contrast. In these cases, an essay structured around comparing and contrasting is the appropriate response. Direct link to David Alexander's post Quetzalcatl was the god , Posted 2 years ago. Valley of the Moche River, paining survives from this state, and is one of the many states. As a result, the Mesopotamian civilisation carries many different influences from the west and east. The point of comparing and contrasting at this stage is to help you organize and shape your ideas to aid you in structuring your arguments. Your subjects might be very different or quite similar, but its important that there be meaningful grounds for comparison. The people of China have strong and rich religious beliefs. Direct link to jones,ameir's post What was a major source o, Posted 23 days ago. compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies The period during which people primarily made and used tools from stone, bone, and ivory was known as the "Lithic Stage." In the Formative Period, Mesoamerica included central Mexico to Panama, including much of modern-day Central America. Compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Many of their pottery and seals were found in Sumerian cities. Kingdoms situated their large cities at lower elevations in order to gain access to trade routes and imports more easily. A. By 9500 B.C.E. The date for the end of the Postclassic period is somewhat contested as it presumes that Mesoamerican culture largely ended with the arrival of Spaniards into the Mexica capital of Tenochtitlan in 1519, though Mesoamerican culture continued under Spanish control, albeit significantly transformed. China has a recorded history of more than 3600 years and another early 2000 years of unrecorded history. EXAMPLE: Hes sure those are us. Friends, time, health and love. Summary of key events and concepts in North America prior to European contact. Indigenous languages in Mexico currently spoken by more than 100,000 people. Type up your detailed notes on your research . These seals were used to mark goods that would be traded in different cities. When people mention Native North American art, they are usually referring to indigenous peoples in the U.S. and Canada, even though these countries are technically all part of North America. Today, people in Mexico still play a version of the ballgame. You might know one Nahua group: the Aztecs, more accurately called the Mexica. More powerful groups absorbed other, smaller ones. We also know that there was trade between Teotihuacn and other societies. The highlands and coastal regions below benefited from a cool and moist climate that provided natural harvests of squashes, gourds, and wild potatoes. The citys reach is also evident in documents from the Mayan city of Tikal recording the arrival of the Teotihuacn military in 378 CE. D. the creation of the world. Andean and Mesoamerican Societies of Learning Introduction Though Andean and Mesoamerican societies can be analyzed in terms of pottery war methods and social structure, this paper focuses on comparison and contrast of their war methods. A. one of several large states of Andean society. Came from societies that depended on the cultivation of root crops and the herding of animals. Explain how religion helped cultures in the Americas expand their. Lanham: SR Publishers.Diehl, R. (2004). Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. A. Despite many unanswered questions about this city, we know that its growth and feats of urban planning wouldnt have been possible without a powerful centralized government. Corrections? It was written down in the early centuries C.E. A. the environments of the two islands were very different. It is not known whether rulers in Indus civilisation were regarded as representatives of the gods like Egyptian rulers. Peoples across Mesoamerica, beginning with the Olmecs, played a ritual sport known as the. The developments of early societies in Australia and New Guinea took different paths because This essay generalizes about Mesoamerican cultures, but keep in mind that each possessed unique qualities and cultural differences. For example, a literature review involves comparing and contrasting different studies on your topic, and an argumentative essay may involve weighing up the pros and cons of different arguments. B. the Austronesians introduced root crops and domesticated animals to New Guinea. C. It told of crossing the land bridge from southeast Asia to New Guinea. (2002). Most large ceremonial centers were located in the lowlands. A. military pressure and invasion from surrounding peoples. 2 Their poor war methods and choice of traditional weapons made Spanish triumph over them during the war. By building and understanding things such as astronomy and mathematics, which are based on some of their gods. The Americas (North, South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean Islands) were home to some of the most advanced ancient civilisations. The 260-day calendar was a ritual calendar, with 20 months of 13 days. Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, while contrast in writing discusses elements that are different. Differences in their fighting methods Andeans had poor weapons against their enemies and they majorly relied on the old war tactic methods. However, at this site, as well as in the Valley of Mexico, the Olmec presence can be widely detected. At, the time, all church services and scriptures were in Latin. Another traditional practise was nature worship. Later on in southern Mesopotamia, people began to develop irrigation agriculture instead of just relying on the flooding of the two rivers. As the people believed that it was their responsibility to clothe and house their Gods, they built large temples for them, as well as palaces for their representatives, the kings. Important ceremonial center. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The Chavn's had cotton, gold, and silver. E. all of the above. Chinese civilisation spread to many parts of Asia, influencing the development there. The surrounding countryside is green, covered with trees, with some big hills in the background. This allowed the emperors to go on conquering other independent ethnic groups in China. They believed in a God of water that controlled the rivers. E. none of the above. Image source. See answer Advertisement Advertisement rairicha556 rairicha556 Andean societies are renowned for their enormous structures, textile weaving, and domestication of a wide range of crops. In the block method, you cover each of the overall subjects youre comparing in a block. D. iron tools. by = 15 ? A mountain range is in the background. In this case, therefore, the traditional classroom environment holds the advantage, although it appears likely that aiding students in a virtual classroom environment will become easier as the technology, and teachers familiarity with it, improves. The people of China are divided into inner Chinese and outer Chinese people. C. population pressure and internal conflicts. London: Hudson.Jonathan C. (2005). Latin America. A Social History of the Colonial Period, (2nd Ed.) Direct link to Carmela's post Did any of the civilizati, Posted 4 years ago. activities on a given day. User: She worked really hard on the project. Similarly, Teotihuacn-style pottery has been found throughout Mesoamerica. Competed for sporting purposes, some people laid bets on the outcomes. Capitals for years. C. calendrical miscalculation. Weegy: 15 ? This empire existed scarcely two hundred years. Like the Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Nubian civilisation, the Indus River civilisation was dependant on farming. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Many assignments will invite you to make comparisons quite explicitly, as in these prompts. Bibliography Andrien, J. Isn't it interesting that these in these two different sides of the world, the architecture evolved. 6 2/3 The Andeans are a group of complex civilizations that have lots of cultures that are historically proven to have lived in the coastal deserts of Peru all the way to the Andes of Southern Columbia. A very popular cult that spread through Peru in the 900's to the 300's BCE. The name China comes from the early Chin dynasty that once ruled the area covering modern China. Our understanding continues to expand with ongoing research and archaeological excavations. Image credit: What made Teotihuacn so powerful? High plateaus are also a feature of the Andes. A. Tikal to the Maya. The block method, where you cover each subject separately in its entirety. Maya: Mesoamerica. Andean and Mesoamerican Societies of Learning Introduction Though Andean and Mesoamerican societies can be analyzed in terms of pottery war methods and social structure, this paper focuses on comparison and contrast of their war methods. Image source. Runner up would be the Aztecs due to their awesome army and how long it lasted, what is one thing that mesoamerica have in common with our culture today, Beginner guides to the Art of the Americas, The Mesoamerican Ballgame on the Metropolitan Museum of Arts Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, The Ancient Future: Mesoamerican and Andean Timekeeping (Dumbarton Oaks). Religion helped cultures in the Americas expand their influence by: Compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies. They migrated to South America. By the end of the semester I was proud that I could differentiate between the Zapotec and Mixtec, and could spell Tlaloc. Explain how religion helped cultures in the Americas expand their influence. They also had a well-developed irrigation system, which meant that they did not have to rely on rain to grow their crops. Nahuatl is the language spoken by the Nahua ethnic group that is found today in Mexico, but with deep historical roots. A. pyramids, plazas, and palaces. Axial precession. Instead, they were used as shrines or temples for their gods. They used tools such as, flint- tipped spears, and cotton quilted tunics, bows and arrows to fight their enemies.1 In addition, they had no technologically advanced weapons, and this made them suffer defeat in many war stages. Furthermore, discomfort and distractions can hinder an individual students ability to engage with the class from home, creating divergent learning experiences for different students. A. one of several large states of Andean society. 10. This was used in fireworks, another Chinese invention. Mesoamericans war was occasionally based on raids. E. none of the above. After about 650 C.E., the city of Teotihuacan, another of the successor societies of the Olmecs, began to decline. E. all of the above. Excessive flooding has also been blamed for destroying the Indus civilisation. You might know one Nahua group: the Aztecs, more accurately called the Mexica. Mayan cities were located in diverse environments ranging from rainforest to highlands, which made governing over multiple cities difficult. Deities that had important roles across Mesoamerica included a storm/rain god and a feathered serpent deity. These are always the most basic kinds of wealth, everywhere. D. Most of the migrants arrived by boat. You might encounter the phrases writing without words or writing with signs used to describe many writing systems in Mesoamerica. 20/3 While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Came from the Gulf of Mexico. Exercise Answer Key: Exercise: The Americas 1. Scribbr. Only the Maya used a writing system like ours, where signs like letters designate sounds and syllables, and combined together to create words. He was also important for the development of astrology when people were beginning to observe that the rivers flooded at the same time as the appearance of particular patterns of stars in the night sky. How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. Direct link to Jimena Campos's post So Teotihuacan exercised , Posted 3 years ago. The Mexica were one of many Mesoamerican cultural groups that flourished in Mexico prior to the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century. See all questions asked by Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Archaic Period 2. What do the urban planning and pyramids at Teotihuacn suggest about its state power? The pyramid is composed of about three stepped levels plus a multi-tiered mini-pyramid at the entrance. In some ways, these civilisations were even further developed than our modern civilisation. This pattern echoes other examples in the early Americas where leaders sought to build states in order to control resources and create cohesive societies. Rebus writing (writing with images) was common among many groups, like the Nahua and Mixtec. E. all of the above. Many groups shared similar deities, although there was a great deal of variation. Languages spoken by fewer than 100,000 are not shown on the chart. This includes things like gold, jade from southern India and copper from modern Afghanistan. B. epidemic diseases, population pressure, and ecological destruction. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for A land of contrasts "The Andes" can refer to the mountain range that stretches along the west coast of South America, but is also used to refer to a broader geographic area that includes the coastal deserts to the west and into the tropical jungles to the east of those mountains. B. one of several large ceremonial centers of Andean society. San Lorenzo, the oldest known Olmec centre, dates to about 1150 bce, a time when the rest of Mesoamerica was at best on a Neolithic level. A. large temple complexes were built. Examine the timeline at the bottom of the reading. A good answer should identify the most, important Andean civilizations during this time, explain the key, features that each civilization was known for, and note the. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Though the religion spread widely in China many people still held on to their traditional beliefs. strongly in the role of the people in the church. Every element of an essay should serve your central argument in some way. Image credit: A picture of terraced farmlands in modern-day Peru shows 13 tiered rows of farmland that look like grassy steps. Answers may vary. Weegy: 15 ? The beliefs of the Indus civilisation allowed them to divide their society into the common people, rich people, and their rulers. Consider what youre trying to accomplish with any comparisons you make, and be sure to make this clear to the reader. The Middle East is mostly dry and sandy. Direct link to David Alexander's post Friends, time, health and, Posted 3 years ago. Designed to trap silt carried by the numerous rivers passing through the lowlands. The Indus people also traded with other civilisations like the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples. D. It told of a migration from Hawaii to an uninhabited island. Image credit: Andean kingdoms sought to control trade and imports such as seafood from the coast and potatoes and quinoa from the high plains. B. exposed land bridges that linked Siberia with Alaska and Australia with New Guinea. The cooler climate of this period as compared with that of the present day supported a grassland vegetation, especially in the highland valleys, that was ideal for large herds of grazing animals. One challenge teachers face is identifying and assisting students who are struggling without disrupting the rest of the class. At the same time Chinese civilisation was open to influences from outside. South is Catholic. Doing so is an important part of constructing arguments. It was the count of time used for agriculture. what is considered wealth in this time period? (2022, November 11). Being able to compare and contrast is an important reading skill as it helps the reader to organise informati. Precession of the ecliptic C. Radiative forcing . Some states, such as Teotihuacn near modern-day Mexico City, held more power than others. Comparisons in essays are generally structured in one of two ways: Its also possible to combine both methods, for example by writing a full paragraph on each of your topics and then a final paragraph contrasting the two according to a specific metric. D. their chiefly political organizations. Andean and Mesoamerican societies are organized social groups with distinct origin. The Popul Vah concerned influence. Had big influences. E. all of the above. The dominant religion is Buddhism, started by Indian prince Siddharta Gautama Buddha. You are likely familiar with at least some of these food items. Europe? This method worked greatly in their favour. Believed if the gods could bleed for them, they could do the same. These visualizations wouldnt make it into your actual writing, so they dont have to be very formal in terms of phrasing or presentation. Pottery, which had appeared in some areas of the region as early as 2300 bce, perhaps introduced from Andean cultures to the south, took on varied and sophisticated forms. Previously, you learned how in the fourteenth century, Europe started to, experience increasing conflict between church and state authorities. This term is problematic for several reasons, and is explored. Compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies. They are also . C. was devised by the kings. It was the king who received all the sacrifices on behalf of the Gods. Like the Nile River in Egypt, the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers allowed the Mesopotamians to grow crops and to settle between these two rivers. Ball courts, for instance, are found in Arizona sites such as the Pueblo Grande of the Hohokam. Even though the church elected a pope in Rome by the early fifteenth, century, the people's trust in the papacy was lost. The area is far from the sea, is mountainous and in some parts desert. Compare and contrast the central features of Andean societies. This research will begin with the statement that, Let us write or edit the essay on your topic, 2 (500 words), how were inca government and religion related, Pre-Colombian Society and Northern South American Chiefdoms, Compare and contrast the societies of Mesoamerica and the Eastern Woodlands in 1491, Origin of Human Societies and Global History. A brief treatment of Mesoamerican civilization follows. Under King Ur-Nammu, the Sumerian language was revived and many buildings were built. Mesoamerica have been connected the North and South America culturally and geographically throughout the history. The Olmec society produced War captives also played the game against members of a winning city or group, with the game symbolizing their defeat in war. Nahua group: the Americas expand their influence or human-made ponds, were significant sources of for! 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compare and contrast the central features of andean societies

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